Oscillator Products
Our qualified and delivered Oscillator product line includes Master Local Oscillators (MLOs), Master Reference Oscillator (MROs), Reference Generators, and PLDROs delivered in many configurations and options:
Oscillators Products: from 9 MHz through UHF, L, S, C, X, Ku, Ka, and Q Bands.
Delivered Configurations and Options – fully qualified with on orbit heritage:
- Frequencies: from 9 MHz through UHF, L, S, C, X, Ku, Ka, and Q Bands
- Master Local Oscillators (MLOs) / Ref. Gens. – from 1 to 30 GHz
- Singles, or with full redundancy (from 2 to many outputs)
- Master Reference Oscillators (MROs) – from 9 MHz to 100 MHz typical
- Standard Stability Options (3ppm over all conditions)
- Ultra Stable Options (50ppb over all conditions)
- Commandable Ultra Stable Options (50ppb all conditions, commandable in 1ppb steps to achieve 1ppb stability)
- Options for Output power monitor, and standby mute mode
Heritage and Qualification
- Over 1000 units delivered and in orbit, on both GEO long-life and LEO Constellation programs.
- Our Oscillator products have been delivered to, and are qualified to, all major satellite bus electrical, mechanical and environmental interfaces, including those from Airbus, Boeing, IAI, Lockheed, Maxar, Melco, Northrop Grumman, Surrey, and Thales Alenia.
The Oscillator Products illustrated below are a few examples of the many types of qualified and delivered units.

Dual Quad MLO
With input reference distribution network

Dual MLO – Series 200

Ultra Stable Master Reference Oscillator (MRO)

Redundant Ultra-Stable multi-output MRO and MLO. Commandable frequency set, with 1ppm stability over life and all conditions

Dual MLO – Series 200 – 4 outputs

Redundant Ultra-Stable multi-output MRO. Commandable frequency set, with 1ppm stability over life and all conditions